Crnns Collective Agreement

The CRNNS Collective Agreement – Understanding Your Rights and Benefits

As a nurse in Nova Scotia, your employment contract is governed by the Collective Agreement between the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia (CRNNS) and the Nova Scotia Nurses` Union (NSNU). This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your employment, including your salary, benefits, and working conditions.

It is important to understand your rights and benefits as an employee, and the CRNNS Collective Agreement is a valuable resource for this purpose. Here’s a brief overview of what the agreement covers:

Salary and Benefits

The CRNNS Collective Agreement outlines the base pay rates for registered nurses in Nova Scotia, as well as overtime rates, shift differential pay, and other compensation for things like call-backs and on-call duty. Additionally, the agreement covers benefits such as health and dental insurance, sick leave, and vacation time, as well as pensions and other retirement benefits.

Working Conditions

The agreement also covers working conditions, including hours of work, scheduling, and workload issues. This section outlines the maximum number of hours per week that a nurse can work, as well as the minimum number of hours of rest between shifts. It also sets out the process for requesting changes in scheduling or workload, and outlines the process for resolving disputes related to these issues.

Professional Development

Another key part of the agreement is the section on professional development. This outlines the types of training and education that nurses are entitled to, as well as the process for requesting and accessing these opportunities. It also includes provisions for mentorship and continuing education for nurses who are pursuing advanced degrees or other certifications.

Union Representation

Finally, the agreement outlines the role of the NSNU in representing nurses in matters related to their employment. This includes the process for filing grievances or complaints, as well as the rights and responsibilities of union representatives and members.

In summary, the CRNNS Collective Agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for registered nurses in Nova Scotia. Understanding your rights and benefits under this agreement is essential for ensuring that you are treated fairly and respectfully in your workplace. If you have any questions or concerns about the agreement, be sure to consult with your union representative or HR department.

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